This section describes how to obtain the MIMI IDL code, calibration and auxiliary files needed to read
MIMI data and read and calibrate MIMI INCA data. The following sections describes the IDL routines, calibration
files and auxiliary files in more detail. |
Obtain and Install Code Tar Set
MIMI_code_calibration.tar.gz is a set containing everything a user would need to run the MIMI IDL routines. It includes the
IDL code, instrument calibration files and any auxiliary files needed by the user. The code, calibration and
auxiliary files are placed into subdirectories expected by the IDL code SETUP routine which will make it simpler
for the user to get started.
To install the MIMI IDL read routines, calibration data, and auxiliary support files, gunzip the file set, and
then untar.
gunzip MIMI_code_calibration.tar.gz
tar -xvf MIMI_code_calibration.tar |
DescriptionAny links included in the following sections are included as a convenience for the user to
update their file set after the entire code and calibration file set have already been installed. It is much
simpler to install the whole set first and only use the individual links when the calibration or auxiliary set has been
updated. The IDL code expects the individual files to be placed into the proper subdirectories. |
MIMI IDL RoutinesThe main read routines consist of PDS_READ_MIMI for
all non-image uncalibrated files and PDS_READ_MIMIIMG for the uncalibrated image files
which are found in the
COMIMI_missionphase/DATA/INCA_IMAGES directory in the PDS. Included with the code, are
TEST_READ_MIMIIMG procedures that the user can edit with their paths and files to get started
using the MIMI routines. The MIMI user guide contains descriptions of the main IDL routines in the
section on INCA. Calibration for the INCA images is also included in the IDL code set. |
SPICE Leap Second Kernelthe latest leap second kernel from
the JPL SPICE NAIF site which is needed for IDL Read Routines. File naming format is
naif####.tls The following link is included in
case the leap second file has been updated after the user has already installed the entire code and
calibration file set.
naif0012.tls |
MIMI Calibration FileThe MIMI
calibration file is a comma delimited ASCII file, which contains all the calibration constants for
the MIMI instrument except for INCA's flux transfer matrixes. The file naming format is
The version is a 4 digit number. The following link is included in
case the calibration file has been updated after the user has already installed the entire code and
calibration file set.
INCA Image Geometric Factor x Efficiency MatrixThe directory
geometricfactorXefficiency_matrix contains the INCA image
flux transfer files which are matrixes that contain the INCA instrument geometric factors and the
efficiency factors.
The selection of the proper matrix is determined by the image type, species, time-of-flight,
time period in the mission and whether the instrument is in a spinning or staring mode.
The matrix files are arraigned in directories based on time in the mission. The mission
time periods are divided into the following directories and cover the dates listed:
preJupiter | 1997-244 to 2001-119T23:59 |
postJupiter | 2001-120 to 2003-263T23:59 |
postFlightv34 | 2003-264 to 2009-365T23:59 |
post2010 | 2010-001 to 2013-304T23:59 |
post2013 | 2013-305 to the end of mission |
In each of these directories, there is a spin and a stare directory, containing the spin and stare
matrixes respectively. In each spin or stare directory is the matrix set. The naming scheme for the geometric and
efficiency matrixes is based on the number of pixels in the image, the time-of-flight and the species and is as
(#pixels)x(#pixels)_tof(time-of-flight index)_(species).csv
The matrices and the following calibration date file change very rarely and must match.
Calibration Matrix Date FileThe file decom_incaflux_dates.txt determines the
dates the INCA image geometric factor and efficiency matrices directories cover. This file is used by the MIMI
IDL INCA image read routine. |
Auxiliary Files: Some of these files are used by the analysis software and are included
when the entire set is downloaded and others are included as
an aid to the user in determining when data is available. See Auxiliary Files |