MIMI Plot Directions:

1. Select the plot style by clicking on the desired style or selecting ^ or v in the blue area.
2. Select black or white background.
3. Enter the year, day of year and if appropriate the section of the day to view.
4. Select Update Window button to display the selected plot.
5. INCA Rates, CHEMS Rates, Analog Converted Temps and Analog Converted Volts plots have 2 pages per day. The rest of the plots have only 1 page per day.
6. The XINCA Multi-Skymap link will open another window to the Multi-SkymapTool.
7. The << button will page down the amount in days, the >> button will page up the amount in days. The default is one day.

MIMI Plot Descriptions

CHEMS Rates:
The CHEMS rates plot displays the periodic readouts of the start, stop, energy and time-of-flight detectors from the three telescopes, in counts as line plots on a logarithmic scale. The bottommost plot is a spacecraft orientation plot.

The CHEMS PHA Matrix currently has data covering years 2004-2017. The CHEMS PHA Matrix plot displays all pulse-height analyzed events from the three telescopes as a function of Mass-per-Charge (MPQ) and Mass (M). Intervals when the detectors are responding to electron or other backgrounds have been removed (Martha has a list of deleted intervals). Both axes are logarithmic. Doubles (TOF measurement only) are plotted at the bottom. Triples (both a TOF and Energy measurement) occupy the matrix. The color bar indexes the Doubles and Triples independently. Bogus TOF events (instrument/spacecraft interference) appears in certain TOF channels.
The w/out selection will select plots with no bogus events. The with selection will display plots with the bogus events included. The In the No Bogus ("DT N_bgs" at top right) plots all events having a TOF measurement in those channels have been removed, and the With Bogus plots ("DT W_bgs") show all events. List of periods excluded

CHEMS 20 & 1 Day E/Q H+, He+, H2+, He++, O++ and W+ Spectrograms:
Pixels are 15 percent in energy per charge by 60 minutes and are based on CHEMS PHA data. The bottom axis is time covering a 20 day interval. Also given is the position of the Cassini spacecraft in SZS (Saturn equatorial) coordinates. The coordinates are radial distance from the center of Saturn in Saturn radii, latitude in degrees, and local time in decimal hours (sunward = 12.0, anti-sunward = 0.0). The y-axis is energy per charge (keV/e). The color represents the differential intensity for this species, and the units are particles per (cm^2 sec sr keV/e). No background has been subtracted. To get the original spectrograms in PNG form, please use the following web site: http://space.umd.edu/Projects/Cassini/chemsdata/chemsdata.html

CHEMS 20 & 1 Day M/Q Spectrograms
The top panel shows data from all three CHEMS telescopes combined, while the lower three panels separate data by telescope. The range of possible mass per charge values depens on the CHEMS E/Q range. The range is 0.7-80 amu/e for the complete 2.8 - 220 keV/e. For lower E/Q ranges, the maximum value is lower. Also given is the position of the Cassini spacecraft in SZS (Saturn equatorial) coordinates. The coordinates are radial distance from the center of Saturn in Saturn radii, latitude in degrees, and local time in decimal hours (sunward = 12.0, anti-sunward = 0.0).
E/Q StepsEnergy/Charge Range (keV/e)
0 - 72.8 - 7.8
8 - 15>8.9 - 23.9
16 - 2327.4 - 72.6
24 - 3183.4 - 220.2
0 - 312.8 - 220.2

CHEMS H2+/He++ ratio 20 Days
60 minute averaged 20 day plots of the H2+/He++ ratio. The top panel shows data from all three CHEMS telescopes combined, while the lower three panels separate the data by telescope. Also given is the position of the Cassini spacecraft in SZS (Saturn equatorial) coordinates. The coordinates are radial distance from the center of Saturn in Saturn radii, latitude in degrees, and local time in decimal hours (sunward = 12.0, anti-sunward = 0.0).

CHEMS H2+/He++ ratio 1 Days
6 minute averaged 1 day plots of the H2+/He++ ratio. The top panel shows data from all three CHEMS telescopes combined, while the lower three panels separate the data by telescope. Also given is the position of the Cassini spacecraft in SZS (Saturn equatorial) coordinates. The coordinates are radial distance from the center of Saturn in Saturn radii, latitude in degrees, and local time in decimal hours (sunward = 12.0, anti-sunward = 0.0).

LEMMS Rates:
The LEMMS rates plot displays the periodic readouts of the accumulator channels from the two telescopes, in counts/accumulator as line plots on a logarithmic scale. It also includes a plot of the priority channels that are sampled more frequently in counts/accumulator on a logarithmic scale. The bottommost plot is a spacecraft orientation plot.

LEMMS Priority:
The LEMMS priority plot displays the priority channel data in a turntable clock angle spectrogram. The antenna angle is 0 degrees from -Z axis of the spacecraft. 90 degrees corresponds to +X axis of the spacecraft. The bottommost plot is a spacecraft orientation plot.

LEMMS, CHEMS and INCA Spectrogram:
This set of spectrograms displays the LEMMS PHA ions bins 17-32, and electrons from bins 27 - 59. The CHEMS spectrograms are H+ for BR0Sum and BR3Sum and W+ for O+D_Sum and O+T_Sum. The INCA image spectrogram is created by summing the individual images for each TOF into one value.

LEMMS and CHEMS Particle Pressure
This plot shows particle pressure spectrograms for LEMMS and CHEMS. It also shows total pressure for LEMMS and CHEMS, and for LEMMS, a comparable energy-time spectrogram. The location of the Cassini spacecraft is also shown.

LEMMS Spectrogram
This plot shows particle pressure spectrograms for LEMMS and CHEMS. It also shows total pressure for LEMMS and CHEMS, and for LEMMS, a comparable energy-time spectrogram. The location of the Cassini spacecraft is also shown.

LEMMS Pitch Angle A Channels
PNG file containing pitch angle plots for A channels. These include only those ranges that are also included in the full resolution PHA data. The flux is over intervals of 10 minutes and binned by 10 degree pitch angle bins. Due to the nature of the PHA data, these may be statistically insufficient. Only days where the mean distance of Cassini in Saturn Radii is less than 25Rs are considered for this dataset.

LEMMS Pitch Angle E Channels
PNG file containing pitch angle plots for E channels. These include only those ranges that are also included in the full resolution PHA data. The flux is over intervals of 10 minutes and binned by 10 degree pitch angle bins. Due to the nature of the PHA data, these may be statistically insufficient. Only days where the mean distance of Cassini in Saturn Radii is less than 25Rs are considered for this dataset.

LEMMS Pitch Angle F Channels
PNG file containing pitch angle plots for F1 channels. These include only those ranges that are also included in the full resolution PHA data. The flux is over intervals of 10 minutes and binned by 10 degree pitch angle bins. Due to the nature of the PHA data, these may be statistically insufficient. Only days where the mean distance of Cassini in Saturn Radii is less than 25Rs are considered for this dataset.

INCA Rates:
The INCA rates plot displays the periodic readouts of the start, stop, and coincidence detectors in counts as line plots on a logarithmic scale. The bottommost plot is a spacecraft orientation plot.

INCA TOF Channels:
The INCA TOF channel plot displays the high time-of-flight resolution image data averaged to one value per image and plotted as line plots on a logarithmic scale in differential flux. The bottommost plot is a spacecraft orientation plot.
Two formats are available, the w/volt selection displays the TOF channel data with the INCA high voltage collimator, stop and start voltages for use in detecting the INCA charge mode. The w/bar selection will display the TOF channel data with 2 bar plots that indicate the INCA charge mode and calibration status.

XINCA Multi-Skymap
The XINCA Multi-Skymap link will open another window containing the Multi-Skymap tool. The Multi-Skymap tool displays the INCA High Spatial Images in a skymap thumbnail format. The images are grouped into 2 types, those collected when the INCA collimator voltage is at 1000 or greater which are called "Neutral Mode" and the rest which are called "Ion Mode". Do not confuse this use of Neutral and ION mode with the instrument commanded ION and Neutral mode which changes the data products that the instrument sends down.

Analog Converted Temps:
The analog converted temperature plot displays the more important instrument temperatures in degrees Centigrade and valid and invalid command counts on linear scale line plots.

Analog Converted Volts:
The analog converted voltages plot displays the more important voltages in volts on linear scale line plots.

Analog Converted Currents:
The analog converted currents plot displays the more important currents in milliamps respectively on linear scale line plots.
LEMMS Motor:
The LEMMS Motor plot displays just the housekeeping flags and values which are used to calculate the motor position.

The Dischages plot is a plot of the INCA High Voltage number of dischages along with the INCA high voltage current. This plot is ONLY present if there were any dischages for that day.

Spacecraft Orientation:
In the top half of the top plot, lines will indicate if the LEMMS low energy telescope is looking within 20 degrees of the sun. Lines in the lower half of the plot will indicate if the LEMMS high energy telescope is looking within 20 degrees of the sun.

The second to the top plot is of the Z spin flag and will plot a green line if it is set to 1 (MIMI in spin mode) and a pink line if the C kernel used is a predicted kernel. The other plots list angles in degrees 0 - 180 from the s/c axis to NEP, Sun and planet. The data closest to 0 and 180 should stand out.
Axis DegreesColor
-X 90-180 blue
0 - 89.9 red
-Y 90-180 gray
0 - 89.9 orange
-Z 90-180 green
0- 89.9 hot pink
170-180Thick line
135-169.9Medium line
45-134.9Thin line
10-44.9Medium line
0-9.9 Thick line

Data Validity - Actual
The top plot dislays a thick colored bar if the INCA instrument is in ion mode (where the collimator voltage is less than a threshold value). If the voltage on the collimator is outside the normal expected range, a thin colored bar is plotted.

The rest of the lines in the data validity plots display the L1a data validity measure for each of the data types. For most of the data types this consists of if the data is present. For the auxiliary data the line indicates that the sector start of time data was present. The auxiliary start of sector time is used in the timing calculation for all the data types except for housekeeping.

Data Volume - Actual:
The top graph in the Data Volume plot displays the individual sensor bit rates and the telemetry mode.

The next 3 plots display the amount of data recieved from the individual sensor data types in bits per seconds.

The TotWdsAccm plot displays the total words accumulated including all sensor data, auxillary, and housekeeping data.

The following plot shows the science, science contained housekeeping data and the total in bits per second. (The housekeeping bits per second is constant).

The next plot displays the spin rate in seconds.

The last 2 plots show the spacecraft engineering data fields. MIMIdp_CPL is the number of MIMI science current packets lost. MIMIdp_P2bR is the MIMI science packets to be recorded.

Data Validity - Predicted:
The top graph in the Predicted Data Volume plot displays the actual individual sensor bit rates and the telemetry mode.

The next 3 plots display the predicted amount of data recieved from the individual sensor data types in bits per seconds.

The TotWdsAccm plot displays the predicted total words accumulated including all sensor data, auxillary, and housekeeping data.

The following plot shows the science, science contained housekeeping data and the total in bits per second. (The housekeeping bits per second is constant).

The next plot displays the actual spin rate in seconds.

The last 2 plots show the actual spacecraft engineering data fields. They may not be there if the data was not found. MIMIdp_CPL is the number of MIMI science current packets lost. MIMIdp_P2bR is the MIMI science packets to be recorded.

Data Validity - Difference:
The top graph in the Predicted Data Volume plot displays the actual individual sensor bit rates and the telemetry mode.

The next 3 plots display the predicted amount of data recieved from the individual sensor data types in bits per seconds.

The rest of the plots show the difference in rate between the actual data and the predicted.

The gaps information is just a summary of the data packets that were contained in the L0 binary file that was used to create the MIMI data. The display contains the title of the file, a table of missing packets, total number of seconds, the packet numbers around the gap, the type of packet missing and the SCET of the packet surrounding the gap. The table is followed by a table of the total missing packet for each data type. The coverage time for the data in the file follows at the end.