PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 DATA_SET_ID = "CO-S-MIMI-4-LEMMS-CALIB-V1.0" PRODUCT_ID = "LPHASPGM0_2016190" STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID = "LEMMS_PHA_SPGM_DAILY" PRODUCT_TYPE = "BROWSE" PRODUCT_VERSION_ID = "02" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2017-179T09:04:38 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY MD5_CHECKSUM = "1f4c97646e95346981b6de68c654b6b1" START_TIME = 2016-190T00:00 STOP_TIME = 2016-191T00:00 INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "CASSINI ORBITER" INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "CO" TARGET_NAME = "SATURN" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "MAGNETOSPHERIC IMAGING INSTRUMENT" INSTRUMENT_ID = "MIMI" ^DOCUMENT = "LPHASPGM0_2016190_02.PNG" OBJECT = DOCUMENT DOCUMENT_NAME = "LPHASPGM0_2016190_02" DOCUMENT_FORMAT = PNG DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "BROWSE IMAGE" INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY PUBLICATION_DATE = 2013-015 DESCRIPTION = "This plot shows energy-time spectrograms for the LEMMS PHA electron data (top panel) and LEMMS PHA ion data (second panel). The ions are almost always protons, and these come from channels 8 through 62 in the LEMMS PHA data. The efficiencies and backgrounds are less well understood for channels below For protons, these channels have an energy range of 25 to 780 keV. The electrons (the lower of the two data panels) come from the LEMMS PHA E channels 15 through 62 and the LEMMS PHA F1 channels (26 through 59) and have energy ranges of 20 to 410 (for E channels) and 205 to 1700 keV (for F1 channels). Note that there is some overlap. Also note that in the data, it is usually possible to see the transition region from the lower energy E channels to the higher energy F1 channels. This is because the efficiencies adn geometric factors used work for most situations, but in some environments, the detectors have different responses and this causes a visible seam in the data. Note that a subset of the available PHA channels are typically used for science analysis, and only these channels are plotted here. The dataset catalog file details the reasons for this. Essentially, the efficiencies are unknown or uncertain for omitted channels. The thin plot between the two data panels is a status panel indicating when sunlight contamination may be present in the data. This status panel is color coded such that green indicates the data is likely free of sunlight problems. Red indicates a likely contamination problem. Black and gray both indicate that attitude data could not be obtained to make a determination. The Cassini MIMI Data User Guide discusses LEMMS light contamination in more detail. There is also a panel showing angles between the LEMMS Low Energy Telescope (LET) and various other vectors. The green line is the SZS longitude of the LET boresight. The black line is the latitude of the LET boresight in the SZS frame. The blue line is the Sun angle - the angle between the LET boresight and the Cassini-Sun line. This is the angle used to determine possible sunlight contamination. The X axis is labeled with the time of day and the local time (in SZS), and also the radial distance of Cassini to the center of Saturn. The bottom three panels show the position of Cassini relative to Saturn in the KSM frame. The first plot is a top view, with the Sun to the left. The blue trace is the projection of the bow shock into the X-Y plane, and the brown line is the magnetopause projection. The equation for the bow shock was obtained from Went, et al, 2011, A new semiempirical model of Saturn's bow shock based on propagated solar wind parameters, DOI: 10.1029/2010JA016349. The magnetopause used is from Kanani et al, 2009, A new form of Saturn's magnetopause using a dynamic pressure balance model, based on in situ multi-instrument Cassini measurements DOI: 10.1029/2009JA014262. In each of the trajectory plots, Saturn is in the middle, and the actual orbit of Titan is shown (centered on the time of the data, but extendeing several days before and after so that the whole orbit can be seen). The location of Titan at the middle of the day of the data plots is indicated with a small red circle. The trajectory of Cassini is shown in black, and the part of the trajectory covered by the data is shown with a thicker blue line. The position of Cassini at the start of the data plot is indicated by a red X. In the KSM YZ projection, the magnetopause and bow shock are shown projected into the plane containing the spacecraft. Note that if the spacecraft is far enough inside or outside, these boundaries may not appear. The KSM frame is defined as follows: KSM, +X points from Saturn to the Sun. +Y is the Saturn dipole axis crossed into the +X axis. (In practice, the spin axis of Saturn is used in place of the dipole axis.) The +Z axis is then +X cross +Y. " END_OBJECT = DOCUMENT END