PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 DATA_SET_ID = "CO-S-MIMI-4-INCA-CALIB-V1.0" PRODUCT_ID = "IIONANG0_H_2012357_013_00" STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID = "MIMI_INCA_IONANG_H" PRODUCT_TYPE = "BROWSE" PRODUCT_VERSION_ID = "01" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2015-115T04:14:50 RECORD_TYPE = UNDEFINED INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY START_TIME = 2012-357T14:15:49 STOP_TIME = 2012-357T15:15:50 NATIVE_START_TIME = "409457816.183" NATIVE_STOP_TIME = "409461417.183" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "1/1734880182.000" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "1/1734883783.000" INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "CASSINI ORBITER" INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "CO" MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "EXTENDED-EXTENDED MISSION" ORBIT_NAME = "177" TARGET_NAME = "SATURN" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "MAGNETOSPHERIC IMAGING INSTRUMENT" INSTRUMENT_ID = "MIMI" ^DOCUMENT = "IIONANG0_H_2012357_013_01.PNG" OBJECT = DOCUMENT DOCUMENT_NAME = "IIONANG0_H_2012357_013_01" DOCUMENT_FORMAT = PNG DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "BROWSE IMAGE" INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY PUBLICATION_DATE = 2015-115 SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID = "IIMG0_2012357_0003" DESCRIPTION = "PNG file containing 1 up to 10 columns, high time-of-flight (TOF) browse ion thumbnail images displayed for seven time-of-flight ranges (rows) from the INCA sensor of the MIMI instrument on the Cassini spacecraft. Ion images are collected when no voltage is present on the INCA collimator. The image species include hydrogen at TOF ranges, where the energy range for each TOF range is shown to the right of each row. The value displayed is the log of the image intensity which is counts/(centimeters squared*steradian*seconds*keV). The color bars for each row are independent and are determined by the minimum and maximum pixels in that row (i.e., for the entire day). The definition of the thumbnail frame is the primary axis X is the INCA boresight axis which goes into the page. The secondary Z axis is the Z axis of Cassini. The Y-axis completes the left-handed system. The elevation of the image goes from -60 degrees at the bottom to 60 degrees at the top of the image. The azimuth of the image goes from -45 degrees on the left to 45 degrees on the right. Each original image was 16 x 16 pixels and was expanded to 60 x 80 pixels in the PNG file. The pitch angle of INCA is displayed on top of the image as contours for the following degrees [0,30,60,90,120,150,180] in the B-field particle flow. At the top of the page, the Rsaturn=radius to Saturn, Lat=latitude in IAU_SATURN frame, LT=Saturn Local Time, L=L value, local time of Cassini relative to Saturn, Lon skr-wl= Longitude of Cassini in the Saturn Kilometric Radiation (western longitude) frame. These measurements are calculated at the start time of the first image. The seven TOF range (each one accumulated over four sectors), four sector images are displayed one above each other for the same time. The highest TOF (TOF id 0) is not a well-behaved product so it was not included in the browse product. The channel is sensitive to background, electrons, and has variable sensitivity to ions in that energy range (greater sensitivity at the edges, highly spectral slope dependent, not calibratable). Time increases from left to right. The energy ranges for the high mass TOF resolution hydrogen range from high to low: (TOF id is the value in the TOF column in the angle average files and on the plot, TOF 1 is at the top). TOF id 1 = 149-227 keV TOF id 2 = 90-149 keV TOF id 3 = 55-90 keV TOF id 4 = 35-55 keV TOF id 5 = 24-35 keV TOF id 6 = 13-24 keV TOF id 7 = 5-13 keV Images, taken when Cassini is spinning about the Z axis, may be flipped horizontally depending on the spin direction. This insures that contiguous images line up properly. All images in a column are flipped or not flipped and this is indicated by a grey bar at the bottom. Grey equals flipped." END_OBJECT = DOCUMENT END