PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 DATA_SET_ID = "CO-S-MIMI-4-INCA-CALIB-V1.0" PRODUCT_ID = "IENAIMG0_HO_2013082_001_00" STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID = "MIMI_INCA_ENAIMG_HO" PRODUCT_TYPE = "BROWSE" PRODUCT_VERSION_ID = "00" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2013-085T16:46:54 RECORD_TYPE = UNDEFINED INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY START_TIME = 2013-082T11:39:58 STOP_TIME = 2013-082T23:01:00 NATIVE_START_TIME = "417310865.185" NATIVE_STOP_TIME = "417351727.185" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "1/1742733281.000" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "1/1742774143.000" INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "CASSINI ORBITER" INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "CO" MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "EXTENDED-EXTENDED_MISSION" ORBIT_NAME = "N/A" TARGET_NAME = "SATURN" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "MAGNETOSPHERIC IMAGING INSTRUMENT" INSTRUMENT_ID = "MIMI" ^DOCUMENT = "IENAIMG0_HO_2013082_001_00.PNG" OBJECT = DOCUMENT DOCUMENT_NAME = "IENAIMG0_HO_2013082_001_00" DOCUMENT_FORMAT = PNG DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "BROWSE IMAGE" INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY PUBLICATION_DATE = 2013-085 SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID = "IIMG0_2013082_0003" DESCRIPTION = "PNG file containing three rows by N columns of panels, where the bottom three rows are a continuation in time of the top three rows. Each row contains spin averaged high spatial energetic neutral atom (ENA) image skymaps (each one accumulated over four sectors), displayed for one species and time-of-flight (TOF) combinations from the INCA sensor of the MIMI instrument on the Cassini spacecraft. Row one contains the high TOF Hydrogen images, row two contains the low TOF Hydrogen images and row three contains the low TOF Oxygen images. The energy range for each TOF range is shown to the righ of each row. ENA images are collected when a high voltage is present on the INCA collimator. The value displayed is the log of the image intensity which is counts/(centimeters squared*steradian*seconds*keV). The color bars for each row are independent and are determined by the minimum and maximum pixels in that row (i.e., for the entire day). Each original image was 64 x 64 pixels and was transformed into the following frame. The skymap frame is a dynamically defined frame, defined as follows. The primary axis X is the INCA boresight axis. The secondary Z axis is the Z axis of the IAU_SATURN frame. The Y-axis completes the right-handed system. The skymap display is defined to display every frame with the Z axis up, X axis into the page and Y axis out to the left. So in the skymap, using this frame, Z or up is the spin axis of Saturn, into the page is the boresight. Scaling has been applied to the image to normalize the apparent size of Saturn, if; 1. Saturn is in the field-of-view 2. The distance to Saturn is less than 100 radius to Saturn 3. The spacecraft is not spinning. In periods where the spacecraft is going in and out of Z axis spin mode, the images will appear un-zoomed and zoomed (non spin mode). If they are visible in the image, the orbit of Titan (dotted line), Titan center (dot), and the axis for Saturn equatorial system frame (centered at Saturn) are displayed. The definition of the Saturn equatorial system frame is the primary axis, labeled Z, is parallel to the Saturn spin axis. The Y-axis is then defined as the cross product of this vector with the Saturn-Sun vector. The X-axis completes the right-handed system and is directed towards the Sun. At the top of the page, the Rs=radius to Saturn, Lat=latitude in IAU_SATURN frame, LT=Saturn Local Time, L=L value, local time of Cassini relative to Saturn, Lon skr-wl= Longitude of Cassini in the Saturn Kilometric Radiation (western longitude) frame. These measurments are calculated at the start time of the first image." END_OBJECT = DOCUMENT END