PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 DATA_SET_ID = "CO-S-MIMI-4-CHEMS-CALIB-V1.0" PRODUCT_ID = "CSPGM0_HP_2015200_2015220_00" STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID = "MIMI_CHEMS_SPGM_HP" PRODUCT_TYPE = "BROWSE" PRODUCT_VERSION_ID = "00" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2016-096T16:55:43 RECORD_TYPE = UNDEFINED INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY START_TIME = 2015-200T00:00:00 STOP_TIME = 2015-220T00:00:00 NATIVE_START_TIME = "490536068.183" NATIVE_STOP_TIME = "492264068.183" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "1/1815958950.000" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "1/1817686961.000" INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "CASSINI ORBITER" INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "CO" MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "EXTENDED-EXTENDED MISSION" ORBIT_NAME = "219" TARGET_NAME = "SATURN" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "MAGNETOSPHERIC IMAGING INSTRUMENT" INSTRUMENT_ID = "MIMI" ^DOCUMENT = "CSPGM0_HP_2015200_2015220_00.PDF" OBJECT = DOCUMENT DOCUMENT_NAME = "CSPGM0_HP_2015200_2015220_00" DOCUMENT_FORMAT = "ADOBE PDF" DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "BROWSE IMAGE" INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY PUBLICATION_DATE = 2016-096 DESCRIPTION = "PDF file containing CHEMS 20-day energy per charge Spectrograms for H+. Pixels are 15 percent in energy per charge by 60 minutes and are based on CHEMS PHA data. The bottom axis is time covering a 20 day interval. Also given is the position of the Cassini spacecraft in SZS (Saturn equatorial) coordinates. The coordinates are radial distance from the center of Saturn in Saturn radii, latitude in degrees, and local time in decimal hours (sunward = 12.0, anti-sunward = 0.0). The y-axis is energy per charge (keV/e). The color represents the differential intensity for this species, and the units are particles per (cm^2 sec sr keV/e). No background has been subtracted. There are 4 horizontal panels in the plot. The top panel contains the average intensity from all three CHEMS telescopes combined (full 4 degrees x 159 degrees FOV). Each panel below is for an individual telescope (4 degrees x 53 degrees FOV) (1, 2, and 3 respectively). The intensities are derived from triple coincidence events (TOF + SSD energy) at high energies and from double coincidence events (TOF only) plus (relatively rare) triple coincidence events at low energies. The energy ranges for the 32 E/Q steps are defined in the CHEMS energy per charge average file LBL files which were used to create these products. For H+ the transition occurs at 25.6 keV/e. Because of the large drop in number of PHA events (sometimes to zero or one event in one hour) at the transition from doubles + triples to triples only, an apparent discontinuity is sometimes observed in the intensity at the transition energy. When statistics are abundant the transition should be smooth. Background is expected to be lower for the triples only events." END_OBJECT = DOCUMENT END