PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 DATA_SET_ID = "CO-E/J/S/SW-MIMI-2-LEMMS-UNCALIB-V1.0" PRODUCT_ID = "LPHA0_2002201_0000" STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID = "MIMI_LEMMS_PHA" PRODUCT_TYPE = "DATA" PRODUCT_VERSION_ID = 0000 PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2005-166T02:48:47.000 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII FILE_RECORDS = 69 START_TIME = 2002-201T00:00:00 STOP_TIME = 2002-201T23:59:59 NATIVE_START_TIME = "80395264.183588" NATIVE_STOP_TIME = "80481663.183561" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "1/1405815441.131" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "1/1405901841.030" INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "CASSINI ORBITER" INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "CO" MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "SPACE SCIENCE" ORBIT_NAME = "N/A" TARGET_NAME = "SOLAR WIND" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "MAGNETOSPHERIC IMAGING INSTRUMENT" INSTRUMENT_ID = "MIMI" DESCRIPTION = " (P)ulse (H)eight (A)nalysis data for the LEMMS sensor of the MIMI instrument on the Cassini spacecraft" ^HEADER = ("LPHA0_2002201_0000.CSV", 1 ) ^SPREADSHEET = ("LPHA0_2002201_0000.CSV", 4065 ) OBJECT = HEADER RECORDS = 1 BYTES = 4064 HEADER_TYPE = SPREADSHEET DESCRIPTION = " This file contains a single row of column headings (text strings enclosed within double quotes) separated by commas." END_OBJECT = HEADER OBJECT = SPREADSHEET ROWS = 68 FIELDS = 203 ROW_BYTES = 2298 FIELD_DELIMITER = COMMA OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "PURPOSE" FIELD_NUMBER = 1 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER BYTES = 32 DESCRIPTION = " The PURPOSE field identifies the purpose or function of the data contained in current row. Valid entries include: SCI - normal science data values VALID_MIN - the inclusive or exclusive minimum value allowed for this column VALID_MAX - the inclusive or exclusive maximum value allowed for this column MIN - the minimum value for this column present in this product MAX - the maximum value for this column present in this product MEAN - the mean of the values in this column in this product, this value will be rounded for integer columns STDEV - the standard deviation of the values in this column in this product, this value will be rounded for integer columns" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "START_EPHEMERIS_S" FIELD_NUMBER = 2 UNIT = SECOND DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 20 VALID_MINIMUM = -71063936 VALID_MAXIMUM = 757339265 DESCRIPTION = " The J2000 ephemeris time in seconds at the beginning of the time period for this record." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "END_EPHEMERIS_S" FIELD_NUMBER = 3 UNIT = SECOND DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 20 VALID_MINIMUM = -71063936 VALID_MAXIMUM = 757339265 DESCRIPTION = " The J2000 ephemeris time in seconds at the end of the time period for this record." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "SPIN_COUNTER" FIELD_NUMBER = 4 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 16383 DESCRIPTION = " MIMI always organizes time by Spins, when Cassini is not in spin mode, MIMI uses a commanded virtual spin period. This column is a counter that increments with each spin or virtual spin. This counter resets when MIMI undergoes certain operations like shutdown, and is not sufficiently large that it will not roll over." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "SECTOR" FIELD_NUMBER = 5 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 15 DESCRIPTION = " Each spin is divided into 16 sectors. Sectors have no meaning with regard to pointing. They are nothing more or less than segments of time. This column contains the zero based index of the sector. Sectors have special significance in that the beginning of a sector is the only time that MIMI records the SCLOCK. All other times must be calculated based on the subsector, and, where appropriate, microsector values provided below. Times in this product were calculated in this manner." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "START_SECTOR_SCLOCK_MAJOR" FIELD_NUMBER = 6 UNIT = COUNT DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 4000000000 DESCRIPTION = " The value of the Spacecraft clock at the beginning of Sector during which this record occurred. This, combined with subsector, and microsector where appropriate, is the monotonic timestamp for the each record. All other times are calculated from this time representation." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "SUBSECTOR" FIELD_NUMBER = 7 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 15 DESCRIPTION = " Each sector is divided into 16 subsectors. Subsectors have no meaning as far as pointing. They are nothing more or less than segments of time." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "MICROSECTORS_COVERED" FIELD_NUMBER = 8 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 2 VALID_MAXIMUM = 1024 DESCRIPTION = " Each subsector is divided into 16 microsectors. Microsectors have no meaning as far as pointing. They are nothing more or less than segments of time. This column is the number of microsectors over which this record was recorded, i.e. 16 for one subsector, 32 for two subsectors, 256 for one sector, etc." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "SPIN_PERIOD_S" FIELD_NUMBER = 9 UNIT = SECOND DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 20 VALID_MINIMUM = 680 VALID_MAXIMUM = 3072 DESCRIPTION = " The spacecraft spin period in seconds. If the spacecraft is not in spin mode, this is the virtual spin period used by the MIMI sensor to determine the timing of data collection. This value is not very reliable. It represents the 'nominal' spin period. When the spin period is changing, it will not be very accurate." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "STARING" FIELD_NUMBER = 10 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 1 DESCRIPTION = " 0 if the spacecraft is in spin mode, 1 if the not in spin mode." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_0" FIELD_NUMBER = 11 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_1" FIELD_NUMBER = 12 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_2" FIELD_NUMBER = 13 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_3" FIELD_NUMBER = 14 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_4" FIELD_NUMBER = 15 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_5" FIELD_NUMBER = 16 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_6" FIELD_NUMBER = 17 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_7" FIELD_NUMBER = 18 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_8" FIELD_NUMBER = 19 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_9" FIELD_NUMBER = 20 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_10" FIELD_NUMBER = 21 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_11" FIELD_NUMBER = 22 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_12" FIELD_NUMBER = 23 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_13" FIELD_NUMBER = 24 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_14" FIELD_NUMBER = 25 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_15" FIELD_NUMBER = 26 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_16" FIELD_NUMBER = 27 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_17" FIELD_NUMBER = 28 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_18" FIELD_NUMBER = 29 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_19" FIELD_NUMBER = 30 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_20" FIELD_NUMBER = 31 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_21" FIELD_NUMBER = 32 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_22" FIELD_NUMBER = 33 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_23" FIELD_NUMBER = 34 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_24" FIELD_NUMBER = 35 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_25" FIELD_NUMBER = 36 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_26" FIELD_NUMBER = 37 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_27" FIELD_NUMBER = 38 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_28" FIELD_NUMBER = 39 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_29" FIELD_NUMBER = 40 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_30" FIELD_NUMBER = 41 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_31" FIELD_NUMBER = 42 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_32" FIELD_NUMBER = 43 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_33" FIELD_NUMBER = 44 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_34" FIELD_NUMBER = 45 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_35" FIELD_NUMBER = 46 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_36" FIELD_NUMBER = 47 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_37" FIELD_NUMBER = 48 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_38" FIELD_NUMBER = 49 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_39" FIELD_NUMBER = 50 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_40" FIELD_NUMBER = 51 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_41" FIELD_NUMBER = 52 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_42" FIELD_NUMBER = 53 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_43" FIELD_NUMBER = 54 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_44" FIELD_NUMBER = 55 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_45" FIELD_NUMBER = 56 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_46" FIELD_NUMBER = 57 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_47" FIELD_NUMBER = 58 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_48" FIELD_NUMBER = 59 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_49" FIELD_NUMBER = 60 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_50" FIELD_NUMBER = 61 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_51" FIELD_NUMBER = 62 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_52" FIELD_NUMBER = 63 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_53" FIELD_NUMBER = 64 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_54" FIELD_NUMBER = 65 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_55" FIELD_NUMBER = 66 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_56" FIELD_NUMBER = 67 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_57" FIELD_NUMBER = 68 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_58" FIELD_NUMBER = 69 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_59" FIELD_NUMBER = 70 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_60" FIELD_NUMBER = 71 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_61" FIELD_NUMBER = 72 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_62" FIELD_NUMBER = 73 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_A_BIN_63" FIELD_NUMBER = 74 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector A, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector A energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_0" FIELD_NUMBER = 75 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_1" FIELD_NUMBER = 76 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_2" FIELD_NUMBER = 77 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_3" FIELD_NUMBER = 78 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_4" FIELD_NUMBER = 79 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_5" FIELD_NUMBER = 80 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_6" FIELD_NUMBER = 81 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_7" FIELD_NUMBER = 82 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_8" FIELD_NUMBER = 83 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_9" FIELD_NUMBER = 84 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_10" FIELD_NUMBER = 85 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_11" FIELD_NUMBER = 86 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_12" FIELD_NUMBER = 87 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_13" FIELD_NUMBER = 88 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_14" FIELD_NUMBER = 89 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_15" FIELD_NUMBER = 90 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_16" FIELD_NUMBER = 91 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_17" FIELD_NUMBER = 92 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_18" FIELD_NUMBER = 93 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_19" FIELD_NUMBER = 94 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_20" FIELD_NUMBER = 95 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_21" FIELD_NUMBER = 96 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_22" FIELD_NUMBER = 97 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_23" FIELD_NUMBER = 98 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_24" FIELD_NUMBER = 99 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_25" FIELD_NUMBER = 100 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_26" FIELD_NUMBER = 101 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_27" FIELD_NUMBER = 102 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_28" FIELD_NUMBER = 103 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_29" FIELD_NUMBER = 104 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_30" FIELD_NUMBER = 105 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_31" FIELD_NUMBER = 106 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_32" FIELD_NUMBER = 107 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_33" FIELD_NUMBER = 108 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_34" FIELD_NUMBER = 109 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_35" FIELD_NUMBER = 110 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_36" FIELD_NUMBER = 111 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_37" FIELD_NUMBER = 112 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_38" FIELD_NUMBER = 113 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_39" FIELD_NUMBER = 114 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_40" FIELD_NUMBER = 115 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_41" FIELD_NUMBER = 116 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_42" FIELD_NUMBER = 117 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_43" FIELD_NUMBER = 118 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_44" FIELD_NUMBER = 119 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_45" FIELD_NUMBER = 120 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_46" FIELD_NUMBER = 121 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_47" FIELD_NUMBER = 122 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_48" FIELD_NUMBER = 123 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_49" FIELD_NUMBER = 124 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_50" FIELD_NUMBER = 125 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_51" FIELD_NUMBER = 126 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_52" FIELD_NUMBER = 127 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_53" FIELD_NUMBER = 128 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_54" FIELD_NUMBER = 129 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_55" FIELD_NUMBER = 130 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_56" FIELD_NUMBER = 131 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_57" FIELD_NUMBER = 132 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_58" FIELD_NUMBER = 133 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_59" FIELD_NUMBER = 134 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_60" FIELD_NUMBER = 135 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_61" FIELD_NUMBER = 136 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_62" FIELD_NUMBER = 137 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_E_BIN_63" FIELD_NUMBER = 138 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector E, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector E energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_0" FIELD_NUMBER = 139 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_1" FIELD_NUMBER = 140 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_2" FIELD_NUMBER = 141 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_3" FIELD_NUMBER = 142 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_4" FIELD_NUMBER = 143 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_5" FIELD_NUMBER = 144 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_6" FIELD_NUMBER = 145 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_7" FIELD_NUMBER = 146 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_8" FIELD_NUMBER = 147 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_9" FIELD_NUMBER = 148 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_10" FIELD_NUMBER = 149 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_11" FIELD_NUMBER = 150 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_12" FIELD_NUMBER = 151 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_13" FIELD_NUMBER = 152 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_18" FIELD_NUMBER = 157 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_23" FIELD_NUMBER = 162 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_24" FIELD_NUMBER = 163 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_25" FIELD_NUMBER = 164 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_26" FIELD_NUMBER = 165 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_27" FIELD_NUMBER = 166 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_28" FIELD_NUMBER = 167 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_29" FIELD_NUMBER = 168 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_30" FIELD_NUMBER = 169 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_31" FIELD_NUMBER = 170 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_32" FIELD_NUMBER = 171 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_33" FIELD_NUMBER = 172 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_34" FIELD_NUMBER = 173 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_35" FIELD_NUMBER = 174 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_36" FIELD_NUMBER = 175 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_37" FIELD_NUMBER = 176 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_38" FIELD_NUMBER = 177 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_39" FIELD_NUMBER = 178 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_40" FIELD_NUMBER = 179 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_41" FIELD_NUMBER = 180 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_42" FIELD_NUMBER = 181 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_43" FIELD_NUMBER = 182 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_44" FIELD_NUMBER = 183 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_45" FIELD_NUMBER = 184 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_46" FIELD_NUMBER = 185 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_47" FIELD_NUMBER = 186 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_48" FIELD_NUMBER = 187 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval indicated by the DURATION column. detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced See the MIMI_PASSBANDS calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_49" FIELD_NUMBER = 188 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_50" FIELD_NUMBER = 189 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_51" FIELD_NUMBER = 190 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_52" FIELD_NUMBER = 191 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_53" FIELD_NUMBER = 192 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_54" FIELD_NUMBER = 193 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_55" FIELD_NUMBER = 194 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_56" FIELD_NUMBER = 195 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_57" FIELD_NUMBER = 196 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_58" FIELD_NUMBER = 197 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_59" FIELD_NUMBER = 198 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_60" FIELD_NUMBER = 199 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_61" FIELD_NUMBER = 200 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_62" FIELD_NUMBER = 201 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "DETECTOR_F1_BIN_63" FIELD_NUMBER = 202 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 65534 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains an array of counts observed within each of the 64 energy bins for detector F, accumulated over the time interval derived from either the END_EPHEMERIS_S - START_EPHEMERIS_S or else START_EPHEMERIS_S (of the next contiguous record) - START_EPHEMERIS_S (of this record). Detector F energy bins are logarithmically spaced. See the MIMI_CALIBRATION calibration file for spacing deltas and min and max energies" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "CENTER_LOOK_ANGLE_DEGREES" FIELD_NUMBER = 203 UNIT = DEGREE DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 20 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 360 DESCRIPTION = " The angle in degrees of the LEMMS detector with the -z axis of the spacecraft, measured counter-clockwise about the y axis of the spacecraft." END_OBJECT = FIELD END_OBJECT = SPREADSHEET END