PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 DATA_SET_ID = "CO-E/J/S/SW-MIMI-2-INCA-UNCALIB-V1.1" PRODUCT_ID = "IACC0_2014049_0003" STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID = "MIMI_INCA_ACC" PRODUCT_TYPE = "DATA" PRODUCT_VERSION_ID = "0003" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2014-365T15:20:32 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII FILE_RECORDS = 14819 START_TIME = 2014-049T00:00:00 STOP_TIME = 2014-049T23:59:59 NATIVE_START_TIME = "445953672.666000" NATIVE_STOP_TIME = "446040067.996000" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "1/1771376270.191" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "1/1771462666.160" INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "CASSINI ORBITER" INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "CO" MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "EXTENDED-EXTENDED MISSION" ORBIT_NAME = "NULL" TARGET_NAME = "SATURN" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "MAGNETOSPHERIC IMAGING INSTRUMENT" INSTRUMENT_ID = "MIMI" DESCRIPTION = " Subsector accumulations for the INCA sensor of the MIMI instrument on the Cassini spacecraft" ^HEADER = ("IACC0_2014049_0003.CSV", 1 ) ^SPREADSHEET = ("IACC0_2014049_0003.CSV", 1048) MD5_CHECKSUM = "f30cd6ced780055afcdfba61d30be19e" OBJECT = HEADER RECORDS = 7 BYTES = 1047 HEADER_TYPE = SPREADSHEET DESCRIPTION = " This file contains multiple rows of information: Row 1 - Column headings as comma separated (CS) double quoted strings. Row 2 - Valid minimum values for each of the data columns (CS). Row 3 - Valid maximum values for each of the data columns (CS). Row 4 - Actual minimum values for each of the data columns (CS). Row 5 - Actual maximum values for each of the data columns (CS). Row 6 - Mean value of all data within each column (CS). Row 7 - Standard Deviation of all data within each column (CS)." END_OBJECT = HEADER OBJECT = SPREADSHEET ROWS = 14812 FIELDS = 24 ROW_BYTES = 286 FIELD_DELIMITER = COMMA OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "PURPOSE" FIELD_NUMBER = 1 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER BYTES = 32 DESCRIPTION = " The PURPOSE field identifies the purpose or function of the data contained in current row. Valid entries include: SCI - normal science data values VALID_MIN - the inclusive or exclusive minimum value allowed for this column VALID_MAX - the inclusive or exclusive maximum value allowed for this column MIN - the minimum value for this column present in this product MAX - the maximum value for this column present in this product MEAN - the mean of the values in this column in this product, this value will be rounded for integer columns STDEV - the standard deviation of the values in this column in this product, this value will be rounded for integer columns" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "UTC" FIELD_NUMBER = 2 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER BYTES = 21 DESCRIPTION = " The time as YYYY-DOYTHH:MM:SS.HHH calculated using the starting Ephemeris Time for this record" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "SCLOCK" FIELD_NUMBER = 3 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER BYTES = 16 DESCRIPTION = " SCLOCK in ticks calculated using the starting Ephemeris Time for this record. The SCLOCK format is #/NNNNNNNNNN.FFF where # is the partition number NNNNNNNNNN is the number of ticks since the beginning of the mission FFF is the fine number of ticks as 1/256 of a second" END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "START_EPHEMERIS_S" FIELD_NUMBER = 4 UNIT = SECOND DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 20 VALID_MINIMUM = -71063936 VALID_MAXIMUM = 757339265 DESCRIPTION = " The J2000 ephemeris time in seconds at the beginning of the time period for this record." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "END_EPHEMERIS_S" FIELD_NUMBER = 5 UNIT = SECOND DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 20 VALID_MINIMUM = -71063936 VALID_MAXIMUM = 757339265 DESCRIPTION = " The J2000 ephemeris time in seconds at the end of the time period for this record." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "SPIN_COUNTER" FIELD_NUMBER = 6 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 16383 DESCRIPTION = " MIMI always organizes time by Spins, when Cassini is not in spin mode, MIMI uses a commanded virtual spin period. This column is a counter that increments with each spin or virtual spin. This counter resets when MIMI undergoes certain operations like shutdown, and is not sufficiently large that it will not roll over." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "SECTOR" FIELD_NUMBER = 7 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 15 DESCRIPTION = " Each spin is divided into 16 sectors. Sectors have no meaning with regard to pointing. They are nothing more or less than segments of time. This column contains the zero based index of the sector. Sectors have special significance in that the beginning of a sector is the only time that MIMI records the SCLOCK. All other times must be calculated based on the subsector, and, where appropriate, microsector values provided below. Times in this product were calculated in this manner." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "START_SECTOR_SCLOCK_MAJOR" FIELD_NUMBER = 8 UNIT = COUNT DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 4000000000 DESCRIPTION = " The value of the Spacecraft clock at the beginning of Sector during which this record occurred. This, combined with subsector, and microsector where appropriate, is the monotonic timestamp for the each record. All other times are calculated from this time representation." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "SUBSECTOR" FIELD_NUMBER = 9 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 15 DESCRIPTION = " Each sector is divided into 16 subsectors. Subsectors have no meaning as far as pointing. They are nothing more or less than segments of time." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "MICROSECTORS_COVERED" FIELD_NUMBER = 10 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 2 VALID_MAXIMUM = 1024 DESCRIPTION = " Each subsector is divided into 16 microsectors. Microsectors have no meaning as far as pointing. They are nothing more or less than segments of time. This column is the number of microsectors over which this record was recorded, i.e. 16 for one subsector, 32 for two subsectors, 256 for one sector, etc." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "SPIN_PERIOD_S" FIELD_NUMBER = 11 UNIT = SECOND DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 20 VALID_MINIMUM = 680 VALID_MAXIMUM = 3072 DESCRIPTION = " The spacecraft spin period in seconds. If the spacecraft is not in spin mode, this is the virtual spin period used by the MIMI sensor to determine the timing of data collection. This value is not very reliable. It represents the 'nominal' spin period. When the spin period is changing, it will not be very accurate." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "STARING" FIELD_NUMBER = 12 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 1 DESCRIPTION = " 0 if the spacecraft is in spin mode, 1 if the not in spin mode." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "SENSOR_BITRATE" FIELD_NUMBER = 13 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 1 VALID_MINIMUM = 1 VALID_MAXIMUM = 5 DESCRIPTION = " Describes the bit rate of each of the sensors (CHEMS, INCA, LEMMS). 1 = very low, 2 = low, 3 = medium, 4 = high, 5 = very high." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "START_FAST" FIELD_NUMBER = 14 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 1.E7 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains the total number of start events triggering the Start MCP Fast discriminator (used to start the TOF clock)." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "START_PULSE" FIELD_NUMBER = 15 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 1.E7 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains the total number of start events pulse triggering the Start MCP Pulse discriminator (used in calculating Start Position)." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "START_COINCIDENCE" FIELD_NUMBER = 16 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 1.E7 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains the total number of start events with Start_Fast and Conicidence signals within a ~200 ns window." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "STOP_FAST" FIELD_NUMBER = 17 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 1.E7 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains the total number of stop events triggering the Stop MCP Fast discriminator (used to stop the TOF clock)." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "STOP_PULSE" FIELD_NUMBER = 18 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 1.E7 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains the total number of stop events triggering the Stop MCP Pulse discriminator (used in calculating Stop Position)." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "FULL" FIELD_NUMBER = 19 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 1.E7 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains the total number of events triggering Start Fast, Stop Fast, and Coincidence discriminators within the maximum timing windows." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "COINCIDENCE" FIELD_NUMBER = 20 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 1.E7 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains the total number of events triggering the Coincidence MCP discriminator (designed as a clean-up signal against accidental Start-Stop coincidences; used in practice as a sunlight monitor for automatic Start and Stop MCP high voltage sun-safing)." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "TIME" FIELD_NUMBER = 21 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 1.E7 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains the total number events with valid Start_Fast-Stop_Fast pairs (Start and Stop timing signals that fall within the maximum TOF timing window of ~150ns)." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "STOP_COINCIDENCE" FIELD_NUMBER = 22 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 1.E7 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains the total number of events with Coincidence and Stop_Fast signals within a 40 ns window." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "EVENTS_RECEIVED" FIELD_NUMBER = 23 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 1.E7 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains the total number events judged valid by the front-end fast logic (typically in flight, those events with valid TOFs) and passed on to the DPU for binning into images. This number may differ from the number of valid TOFs if the valid TOF event rate exceeds the rate at which the DPU can accept events." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "EVENTS_PROCESSED" FIELD_NUMBER = 24 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER BYTES = 10 VALID_MINIMUM = 0 VALID_MAXIMUM = 1.E7 DESCRIPTION = " This field contains the total number of the EVENTS_RECEIVED (previous field) that are in fact processed by the DPU for binning into images. This number may differ from EVENTS_RECEIVED because the DPU filters the incoming events, rejecting classes of events it recognizes as invalid (for criteria not checked by the front-end valid event logic)." END_OBJECT = FIELD END_OBJECT = SPREADSHEET END